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One of the biggest worries we hear from parents about leaving the workplace to start parental leave is 'does this mean the end of my career?'. Absolutely not is ALWAYS our response. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of terrible discrimination in the workplace that happens to parents (women and men) when they fall pregnant and/or embark on a period of parental leave.

However, there are also a lot of parents returning to the workplace on-top after parental leave. There are also more and more brilliant organisations out there who 100% support parents returning to the work place - some actively looking for parents as know the value and unique skill set they bring to the table.

Our mission is to help as many parents as possible find work that works and makes them feel valued and motivated every day. Here are some tips on how you can use parental leave to keep your career on track and ensure you hit the ground running on your return.

4 things you can do while on parental leave to prepare for your return to work ⠀⠀

1. You time

This time is a great opportunity to press 'pause' and reflect on your career.

Spend time thinking about your goals, values and what your why is as these will have probably shifted.

2. Communicate before, during and after parental leave

What do your want to be kept updated on?

Be clear about contact boundaries (you should have input here - never assume!) and be prepared for some shifts along the way.

Reach out to people in your network/ organisation who you want to stay in touch with.

3. Keep in touch whilst away from your employer.

It's a really good idea to have agreed some keep in touch days before you go on leave.

This helps keeps focus and key dates as to when important conversations can happen.

4. Plan how you want to return

If you're wanting to secure a more flexible work pattern after your parental leave its important to plan and have clarity about your non-negotiables.

Be really clear about what you are asking for.

For more career advice, head on over to my bloss bio to check my other career focused content.

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