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So you’ve tucked your little one into bed, you’re ready to FINALLY relax only to look around and realise there are still toys everywhere! Sound familiar?

Involving your children in the tidy-up process is not only beneficial for you but it is actually building resilience, patience and self-esteem - skills they’ll need for the rest of their lives.

Here are some key steps to follow to involve them A N D help them! If you put the ground work in now, they’ll end up doing it on their own. Win-Win!

Consistency is key - Always make them tidy at the end of a session (a session can be going to bed or leaving the house, not after each ‘game’ because toddlers like to go back to things, so it’s good to keep those toys out as an option)

Join in with them! - Start the tidy-up session by showing them where things go and helping them (you will end up doing majority but even if they pack one thing away that’s progress!) Once they know where it goes that’s where it always goes (spend some time thinking about access to the toy and if they can pack it away and find a space for it)

Praise praise praise - Positive reinforcement is so important if you want the behaviour to happen again. Use direct and precise praise, ‘Well done for putting your stickers in the sticker drawer!’ whilst making eye contact! Stickers to reinforce praise are totally encouraged ⭐️

Set a song - which can act as a cue for when tidy up time should be! This can be a song found on google or you can get creative and sing!

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